How to Create a Vision Board Truly Aligned with your Goals

So you’ve created a vision board in the past and the things on it haven’t quite manifested the way you want…

Or maybe you’re new to vision boards and want to make sure you’re doing it “right”.

Vision boards are way more than just pretty pictures. They are a visual representation of your goals so you need to make sure those images really align with what the heck you want out of life.

There is a method to the vision board madness and I’m here to break down how I create my vision boards to truly align with my goals so I can manifest the shit out of them!

While you want your actual goals to be really specific and measurable, I like to think of vision boards in a broader sense. I like them to help really evoke the feelings linked to if you were to hit every single goal.


If you don’t have clear goals for the year ahead, you’re not going to have anything to put on your vision board and/or what you do put on your vision board isn’t going to be effective. So you need to start asking yourself:

  • What do I want in the next year?

  • Is this a specific, measurable goal?

  • Why do I want this?

  • How does this goal fit into my big picture?

While there are a lot more questions you can ask yourself, I recommend starting with these! They’ll give you a good idea on the direct to go in.


Sit with the goals and vision you laid out for yourself. (Especially how they fit into your big picture.) How does it feel? A little scary and also a little exciting? Can you picture yourself living this life?

Good! That’s exactly what we want because now it’s time to put that picture in your mind onto your vision board.


Next you want to find images, affirmations/phrases, etc. to put on your vision board that really represents the goals you have set and your big, bold, clear vision for your life.

If you want to buy a house, add a photo of the style of house you want. Maybe you want to travel? Put images of your top destinations. Whatever it is, find things that feel really good and aligned with what you were picturing as you were daydreaming.

Your vision board should give you that same excited, slightly nervous feeling you got when you were answering the questions to set your goals!


Put your vision board somewhere where you will see it every single day (mine is next to my coffee maker!) so you are constantly reminded of where you are headed.

Then you have to actually start embodying the version of you that lives this life. That means leaving behind things that aren’t working, limiting beliefs, and all the other bullshit. Let it all go.

Then you can start to step into the next version of yourself and take action (and I mean actual steps to achieve these goals!).

For example, I have been really focused on having more freedom in my day-to-day life so in the new year I’ll be working less hours, running errands midday, taking walks or going on adventures, etc. I’m going to really embrace that new version of me and trust that the rest of my goals for the year will follow as I also have a clear plan laid out on how to get there.

Make sure you truly connect your goals, big vision for your life and why you want this for your life and the magic will really start to happen!

Tell me what your goals are and what you’re putting on your vision board in the comments below!


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